I have done it with a burin, once. I made two six inch long hair pins. They are in a museum display. When I make my bone pressure flakers, I use a steel saw. I cut the ends off, score down one side, then cut through the other. I can then pop the bone apart. I pick out the thickest part and make another cut the long way. I shape it in a long triangle, about 1 1/2" at the big end and pointed on the other, you want the thick end as your pressure flaker. You can flatten the wide end and use it as a notcher. It is slightly tougher than antler, but it doesn't wear down quite as fast. Also, your notches will be wider and it is difficult to get them real deep. I use an old dry bone, and I cook it after I cut to rough shape. I boil mine, I have heard they can be heat treated by holding them over a fire but I don't know if that really works. Bill