Author Topic: fun day at the range!  (Read 2363 times)

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Offline Orkraider

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fun day at the range!
« on: April 01, 2010, 07:34:06 pm »
I went shooting today at a range by the lake. I was gonna go buy some wood for my next bow, but I decided I rather go out and shoot the one I've got; it's just too nice out.

It was a perfect day, and it was the best day of shooting I've had so far. Today was my 5th day out total, and it was a magic day for me; after reading a bunch of stuff on hear and other places, everything started to gel a bit.

I actuallly started getting some nice tight groupings, and one of my arrows went right through the middle of the little tiny target sticker someone else had left sticking to the hay bales.

Here are some of the things that finally seemed to make a difference for me:

1. Conditioning. I'm way out of shape, and I made a pretty heavy bow; getting out and shooting every day or 2 is making a big difference. The bow is a lot easier to hold, and I can have it pulled back and steady long enough to be able to aim.

2. A deeper hook. Someone on here mentioned getting a deeper hook on the string; this made a huge difference for me. I had been letting the string fall into the crease in the first joint of my index and middle finger; going halfway between that joint and the next made everything a lot steader. Now, when I relax to let the string go, it seems a lot more how it's supposed to be.

3. canting the bow. I had always thought this was bad form, and had been shooting with my bow perfectly vertical; I then read an article that interviewed a bunch of experienced shooters, and they all said they canted their bow a bit. I'm not sure why this made a big difference for me, but the arrow stays on better when I'm lining up the shot, it's easier for me to maintain a consistent "sight image", and everything just seems smoother.

4. breathing. I finally remembered some of the stuff we did when I shot rifle in the army reserve; taking a controlled breath and releasing it as I shoot seems to for with this bow, too. By letting my breath out, and relaxing my drawing fingers, the release feels a lot smoother, and I can feel that my body isn't twitching, jumping, or plucking.

5. anchor. anchor. anchor. When I first started, I felt comfortable ending up with my index finger in the corner of my mouth. Once I read a bit, I came to the conclusion that it'd be better to have my hand under my chin, as I saw a lot of shooters doing that. Today, I said screw it, and went back to where my hand wanted to go. It turns out that this spot that felt so natural lines the arrow up right under my eye, and leaves everything sitting at the exact right angle. With this anchor, i'm able to get my hand to the same spot every time, and it's making a big difference.

6. Practice, and this site. After all is said and done, I think the biggest reason I've improved is that I've been going out and doing it, and coming on here and reading what you all have to say.  Today was the day that it really started feeling really good, and it's thanks to all of you. 

Riley, Saint Paul, MN

Offline youngbowyer33

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Re: fun day at the range!
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2010, 07:39:10 pm »
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us"

Offline Kegan

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Re: fun day at the range!
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 04:18:27 pm »
Excellent! Personal "break throughs" are always lots of fun, what you learn sticks better than when someone just tells you something. The only thing that I noticed was "off" was the breathing. With archery its the opposite of shooting a rifle, in that you inhale as you draw- and through the release. When you inhale on release, you continue to expand your chest and shoulders so you get a clean, crisp release. Exhaling may lead to collapsing, which can cause sloppy releases.

I know this all sounds really off, but luckily it's one of those things that come naturally (like your anchor) the less you think about it :)

Offline aero86

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Re: fun day at the range!
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2010, 04:49:43 pm »
your right kegan.  last night i had another break through.  i was shooting in my bow i just broke.  was making it for my girlfriend.  anyways, it was about 25lbs, so its like 20lbs lighter than my normal bow, but i found my anchor and my stance that works.  i was putting arrows in the same hole and just near it from about 10 feet away.  so after i broke that bow, i moved to my 40lb longbow that i had at home and was doing the same exact stance and anchor, and i was hitting and peppering right next to a 2x2 piece of 2x4 at 20 feet.  i was very happy with myself!
profsaffel  "clogs like the devil" I always figured Lucifer to be more of a disco kind of guy.