Author Topic: Want to make a hickory bow  (Read 3355 times)

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Want to make a hickory bow
« on: March 31, 2010, 10:45:46 pm »
I am currently about to start my 6th bow build, and I am looking to make a native american style narrow hickory bow. Here is what I am considering:

1 1/8" wide mid-bow, 5/8" tips, 68" ntn, bendy handle, pulls 50 pounds at 28 inches.

Do you pro's out there think that this is to narrow for this style?

Take a look through the chapter on eastern woodlands style bows in TBB V2, there are a couple hickories that are 1" wide or 1 1/8" wide that are similar to what I want to do. On the other hand, most of this style are 1 3/8" wide or more.

The reason that I want to keep the bow narrow is that I want to keep the arrow closer to the center to the bow, as I shoot much more accurate like that; plus I prefer the way it looks.

I would also like to discuss length; some state that for a 28" draw I could make a 60 or 62 inch bendy handle bow with perfect circle of arc tiller. However, I shoot 68" bows much more accurately, and I would tiller a 68" bow with elliptical tiller.

So, how much slower of cast is the 68" gonna be over the 62" bow, I assume the 62" will be faster cause it has less working limb that will be more highly stressed, what do you all think?



p.s. stay tuned for pics of the sinew backed black locust bow that I just created, its 60" with a semi bendy handle. Pretty neat bow, but to short for me, although I can still shoot it pretty well.

Offline Kegan

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Re: Want to make a hickory bow
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2010, 10:58:37 pm »
Not too narrow and not too long. Should make a fine bow. The cast should be good and if you tiller carefully the set should be minimal :)

Offline CraigMBeckett

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Re: Want to make a hickory bow
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2010, 11:05:42 pm »

While it is possible that 68 inch bows would shoot slower than 60 inch ones it is also possible if not probable that the 68 inch bow would shoot faster than the 60 inch one due to greater energy storage, it will depend on how well made they are. Take a look at page 52 in TBB1.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2010, 02:51:57 am by CraigMBeckett »

Offline youngbowyer33

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Re: Want to make a hickory bow
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2010, 09:56:22 am »
maybe you could make it 66"
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Offline TreyNC

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Re: Want to make a hickory bow
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2010, 10:38:03 am »
I agree with Craig. If made well the longer bow may out preform the shorter. I do prefer the longer bows as well to shoot, however for me anyway 68" is a little long for bendy handle bows. At that length you should be safe, especially with hickory to do what ever you want with it.


Offline jthompson1995

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Re: Want to make a hickory bow
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2010, 10:44:02 am »
At 68" you don't need a bendy handle. If you make a narrower (say 1" wide), deeper handle section you can get the arrow closer to center shot like you want but it would be easier to get the 50# weight you are looking for with wider limbs, say 1.5" or a little more.

My first bow was a hickory AFB with a stiff handle and semi-pyramid limbs that went from about 2" wide down to 1/2" nocks. It pulls 55# at 26". There's a few other issues with it that make it less than accurate but it does fling arrows with authority.

It's not native american style, but you could also try a mollegabet style with stiff handle and stiff tips to try to blend the advantage of a longer bow for accuracy and increased speed because of the short, highly stressed working limb. Hickory is a very tough wood and can handle the extra stresses of this style without a problem as long as you're careful tillering.
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Offline Hillbilly

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Re: Want to make a hickory bow
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2010, 11:06:26 am »
The style and dimensions you mentioned will make a good bow. I've made a couple like that, and they're good shooters. Get the hickory as dry as you can.
Smoky Mountains, NC

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Re: Want to make a hickory bow
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2010, 10:11:13 pm »
Hillbilly, thanks for the advice, any chance you have pics of those bows you'd like to share?

JT95, thanks for the advice, I've made a couple like that, I just don't prefer the profile from the back view very much.

Craig/Trey, thanks for the heads up, I am going to keep the handle to a minimum of bend.....very slight, just barely felt, not seen.

Thanks again,


Offline CraigMBeckett

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Re: Want to make a hickory bow
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2010, 02:54:29 am »

I should have added "anyway who cares about a few fps, a nice stable easy draw bow is hard to beat"

Best of luck with your build.
