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Binding feathers (video)

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Just thought I would share my method of fletching arrows without a jiig.

Bind first, adjust the feathers, and glue.

Sorry about the non-primitive sound in the background ;)

hey, that's not fair.  you don't show how you start it (the part where you need four hands)  ;D  but your spacing is perfect.  how do you do that.  just a good eye?

Hehe, I hold all three feathers with tree fingers around the shaft while I secure them. You can secure one at a time too, but with a little practice you can do all at the same time. :)

The spacing isn't perfect. I guess a bit of practise is all you need, or take some extra time.

Now that's cool. What type of glue do you use and how is it applied. I've only done one this way and I used raw sinew. What was the background? I don't get sound at work, dial up at home is to slow to download video.

I just smear on carpenters glue. Any glue would work.

The background noise is just Metallica :)


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