ok, so a lot has happened with this bow since my last post. First, I took it down too thin and tillered it to 23" of 24 or 25" that I want, and I also hinged the handle (working while tired..stupid) and that hinge took a good bit of set, and then it also took a lot of set in one of the snakes. So, I could have finished it like it was and had a 30 pounder, but I'm still working to make it a 40lb, so I heat treated the belly (I will never waste many hours using a heat gun for this, I could have had a MUCH more even job done over a long campfire and it would have been way more primitive) and now I'm about to sinew back it. Phew, I also changed from pin nocks to no nocks, and I haven't decided if I'm going to bother putting a little wrap around sinew to hold the string or not.
so here's the next gammit of questions I have to batter you all with:)
-anyone ever put an extra layer of sinew when they have a hinge to help compensate?
-anyone had much luck with the no nocks, just a nice taper to hold string?
-anyone ever stripped a back with paint thinner? I thought it was acetone, but found out just in time that it's only part acetone, Phew!
thanks again for any responses, -nick