Ya'll don't understand.....the suspense is freakin killin me here! It always does! You're withholding my drug...my addiction...MY PRECIOUS!! MMMYYYYY PPRREECCIIOOUUSS!!!!
I am going to make a request: I want my issue loaded onto the Concorde and flown over my house and dropped out of the window with a parachute on it. NOW!!
Huh??? What? What do you mean the Concorde's been retired??? That's a bunch of horse farts! Reinstate the Concorde, get it back flying again, and gimme my magazine...my addiction...MMYY PRECIOUS!! NOW!!!
And by the way Sarah, I'm just trying to be funny. I know ya'll are busy since you have the #1 Archery magazine in the Universe. It's a good thing people are chomping at the bit to get them!
. I'm gonna stay away from BArnes and Noble when they do finally hit newsstands though... cause there's gonna be riots and fistfights cause people want their Primitive Archer Mag. Kinda like back in the '80's when people were storming into stores and beating each other up just to get those Cabbage Patch dolls! HAHAHA