Sometimes you have days like that. It happens to everybody. When I first started, I had a steep learning curve, I leveled out pretty quickly. I think I went through about 5 buckets of rock and only had about three thick ,crude points to show for it. I kept at it and one day it all came together. My flakes got longer, my points got thinner. I leveled out again. I went throught a lot of rock and something clicked again. My points were actually thin enough to use. When you level out and don't seem to be improving, it gets very frustrating. The more frustrated you are, the more you break. I jokingly tell people it is very Zen to knap, you concentrat totally on what you are doing with your hands, you must also let your mind drift. Ir's just like building a bow. When everything comes together, you can make a point or a bow. It becomes a pleasant and relaxing way to spend an hour or an afternoon. Just hang in there, sooner or later, it will come together. Bill