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Small Game Points - Sticky

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--- Quote from: Dan K on March 13, 2013, 07:14:59 pm ---Any chance to get this post updated?  There are pics that do not open and I'm interested in the fishing heads.  Thx!

--- End quote ---
I second this, many pics do not work.

Ive been having a blast bunny hunting. Sometimes though my arrow breaks on pass throughs and/or misses. Going for the tarantula!

Does this count? just messing about with some fatwood. Personally I think that if I hit a small game animal with this point, it would do the job. The 45 degree grain running through it probably isn't the most ideal way for it to be running. The white rings are much softer. Perpendicular and it could be manipulated into growth rings.

Pretty amazingly tough stuff though. I can not break it with bare hands. It could be worked down to being cleaner and smoother but I felt I had it close enough to take some pictures of it.

I think this stuff could make some pretty acceptable blunt or sharp points. If nothing else they will get a fire started when you can't find any dry kindling.

I use1/2" PEX plugs, from the plumbing store.  They cost about $0.40 each, and slip right on the shaft.   I also cut the head off a 3/8" bolt and chucked it in my redneck lathe (drill clamped in a vise) and spun it while filing down the threads until I could screw the PEX plug on snugly.  Then I mount the plug and spin that while I file the edge sharp.  When you are done, it looks kinda like a trumpet, with a flat leading surface and a sharp gouging edge all around.

Theswe work AMAZINGLY on rabbits and grouse.

Dan K:
Post some pics Springbuck.  We'd love to see what you've made!


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