I think I told some of you that the next time I made a pine tree I would take a few pictures...so here they are.
I wasn't going to knap any tonight, but this little piece of Ky blue was calling to me
The first picture is the preform. I try to get good convexity in the point and the edge dead on center.
The next picture, is after I notched it. I see no reason to serrate it first, since I might break it notching it.
Next, I run one pass of flakes along the left side of each face from base to tip. Then, holding the point by the base, pointing away from me, I abrade
away from the face I already flaked...in between the flake scars. This brings the edge back closer to center.
After that, I flake the right side of each face...from base to tip also.
Then all that's left to do is take a fine tipped flaker and exaggerate the points of the serrations.
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