Thank you for your advice!
I promise I will use a camera should I decide to go for it. I drew it to 28" a couple of times and I didn't notice anything particularly inconvenient about it, but then again I was focused on the draw length and listening if the bow would make a noise.
Steve, I worked the tips to 14mm width, 16mm thickness and tapered the outer 5-6 inches accordingly, now the mass is 607 grams, or nearly 21.5 ounces. I am a little worried now because of the difference to 24 ounces.
I pulled it to 28" for a couple of times and then measured the draw weight. It was 86#, which fits the extrapolated weight from the graph, so what I removed was just dead weight left after piking. Then I went for 29" two times in a row and then pulled it to 28" a few more times. The draw weight went down to 83# and there was minor set in the left limb and an 1" set in the right limb.
This is the unbraced shape before and after the 29" pulls.

I left the bow in the workshop since yesterday and I noticed that the relative humidity increased to 70% since I last checked. Must be because it is finally getting warmer. However, the temperature is only 10°C / 50°F, so I guess this is about the same as 50% at room temperature. I am not sure though. I will have to move the staves and the bows to my room again just to be safe.