I have tried most of this stuff myself. Its frustratin to have them points comin off or have to leave one in a 3-D cause its burried up in there. I foretunately don't have that problem any more. Not that one dosen't come off ever, its the nature of the beast. I use Duco on my Feathers, and now I use it fer my tips as well. I clean the inside of my tips with a cotton swab and alcohol before gluein. As fer the Duco cement, I find that as you apply it, it will start to dry fast and forms a outter skin fast, so I apply it as ifin I were gluein PVC pipe. I apply Duco to the arrow tip, then I apply Duco to the inside of the field point. Put em together and twist em a little and then push the point against a piece of wood to make sure they are seated well. Clean off the access glue and set er aside to cure. Works well fer me.