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Dowel maker

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Billmac, I got mine last week. 3/8" comes out real good, but needed a lot of sanding. I did 2 dozen hiclory arrows in about 45 minutes not including sanding... Chris

Hows the string making going.

 I make a lot of arrows so i bought this unit from (  This is made by veritas and i paid quite a bit for it. It has paid for itself many times over. I only have the inserts for 5/16"and 3/8"and 1" which come with the basic tool but you can get setups for 5/16ths to 1" I drilled my 5/16" die out to 11/32" as i don,t do 5/16". You can easily make a new 5/16" die out of a piece of hardwood. It works on pine to purpleheart. I think it was around 170 bucks and not everyone needs a unit for mass production. The pic shows the unit with vee blocks to stabilize the spinning shaft. I recently layed a small piece of pvc pipe on the vee blocks and it works slick.   Ridge

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Glad to hear the dowel maker works.  I didn't buy the square socket when I ordered.  I assumed that was something you could pick up at any hardware store?

I've watched the video about 3 times and made the string jig.  I got sidetracked marking trees for staves so I haven't made a string yet but I will probably get to it this weekend.

On a positive note, I've marked Ash, Elm, Maple, Hickory, Oak, White Birch, Yellow Birch, Beech, Cherry, and Hophornbeam trees for staves.  That should keep my son and I busy for the summer.

D. Tiller:
Chris, you notice that the tool your using gets really hot after a few shafts? The blade tends to get dull fast too. Have you guys had that problem with this tool too? How do you keep it sharp and from digging into the wood and pulling out chuncks in soft woods like VG fir?

David T

Man that sounds like a heck of a lot of wood. I'm jealous ;D On the tool, i did not want to use half inch squares (too much waste). So I riped 3/8 inch suares. Then I hand turned one end for about 3". Then I could chuck thay end straight into the drill. I still have the sockets if you want em.... Chris


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