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Dowel maker

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I got my Veritas dowling jig Friday, and used it to make 2 dozen Hickory heartwood shafts. It did a real good job, but you gotta do quite a bit of sanding. Maybe I need to read the instructions. Asharrow, I'm gonna try your setup next. I had already ordered the Veritas before I saw it. I had used a similar setup with a 3/8 half round before, but had trouble lining up the shaft to be equal on both sides. yours looks a lot easier to set up. 

Asharrow I think ya forgot the link :o


Jim Davis:
Dana, you are right. The link is in my previous post, but here it is again:  javascript:void(0);


 This is the one I have and for 40$ including shipping you can too.Thats with an extra blade,  the drill adapter, and the square stock socket.
 I made over 60 shaft blanks with it the first week I had it!
Whats a dozen arrows cost? Been making 'em so long I can't remember.
 It works well and very little sanding involved. Gotta taper to the tip and nock size though.


That's the one I bought, but haven't tried it yet.  Do they come out pretty straight?  Did you get the 3/8" size?  How will you do the tapering?


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