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Dowel maker

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        Hey J.D.......I have one made by Billy Armstrong(an old oregon bowhunter)- he made them, Stevenson had one and a guy named Claude Lampert had another. Was fortunate enough to have met and hunted with Stevenson and Armstrong for rabbits a long time ago, before you were born dude ;)........guess that makes me pretty old ? Watch it !.............bob ; :D

   Hey J.D...........Guess I should have added if memory serves me correctly about names in last post. Has been a long long time over 40 years.................bob

Jim Davis:
Here's the way I make shafts:

I have a slightly more sophisticated one now that has better ways to adjust it. I have bushings for 5/16, 11/32, 23/64 and 3/8.


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Is that a round over bit in the router? What size?
Sorry but yer picture is a bit out of focus.


Jim Davis:
The router bit is just a straight one. Not sure a round-over would work any better, but might try it some day.

My shafts are slightly burnished by the outfeed block and look like they don't even need a finish. They do, of course.



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