Author Topic: Helping out a neighbor -muzzle loader stuff  (Read 3246 times)

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Offline jthompson1995

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Helping out a neighbor -muzzle loader stuff
« on: March 14, 2010, 04:39:55 pm »
My neighbor has to move due to financial hardship and is trying to clear out a bunch of his stuff to help pay bills, recover some losses, and has a bunch of Muzzle loader stuff he's getting rid of.

He used to own a gun store and has lots of left over stuff from when it closed down. I can't use the stuff but I thought I'd see if anyone here might be interested.

He has lots of .45 and .50 cal bullets, two brand new .45 cal bullet molds (one Lee, I don't know the brand of the other) as well as powder measures, patches and all sorts of other stuff.

He also has a whole bunch of rifle and handgun ammunition in just about every caliber you can think of, lots of empty brass, dies and stuff for reloading, scopes, handgun grips, holsters, you name it.

They just had a 3-day estate sale which helped but there is still a bunch of stuff left that they need to get rid of.

My neighbors are really good people and I am trying to help them as much as I can so if anyone is interested, please send me a PM and I will get you their contact info or get the stuff and send it to you, whichever is easiest.

Just for the record, I am not making anything form this other than helping friends. If this violates forum rules, please let em know and I wil ledit/remove this post.

Thanks in advance.
A man who works with his hands is a laborer, a man who works with his hands and his mind is a craftsman, but a man who works with his hands, his mind and his heart is an artist. - Louis Nizer (1902-1994)

Offline mullet

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Re: Helping out a neighbor -muzzle loader stuff
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 04:44:47 pm »
I sent you a PM
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?