I was chipping away at a piece of coral and it wasn't going quite right. Too long and fat in the middle. So I looked at it and thought "I wonder if I can send some long flakes right up the middle?" So I set up a pretty good platform on the first side and hit it. The first picture shows the flake after I hit it an set it back in place so you can see the platform. Got a real good strike! In fact, I surprised myself and I must has set her for 10 minutes just putting the flake back on and taking it off. I thought, what the heck, if I did it once I can do it again. So set the second side platform up and whacked it. Missed the whole platform and hit the corner instead. I still got a good flake, but talk about busting my bubble in a hurry. I felt so good after the first strike and so humbled after the second. But I looked at it and said "Self, you still got a pretty good platform there since you didn't even touch it". So I decided to whack it again. Damned if I didn't get a good strike and pulled a third flake. I know it isn't a great point, but I am pleased I was able to flute a point without breaking it. I got one good flute and then was able to whack it two more times to flute the second side.
I didn't get the pictured loaded in the right order. The first one should actually the last one after the third flake.
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