eddie, tell ya what
if you ever make it up here,i'll make you what my neighbors call "tims killer chicken"
i think they call it that becuase one time i was grilling for us and all the neighbors
when one of of them smelled the chicken and came running across the road and got hit by a truck and died lol
naw thats just a joke,but they all do come over to see what i am grilling when they smell it.
i have even worked out trades with a couple of the neighbors
they put in my new furnace exhaust pipe from the basement thru the roof.
all i had to do was pay for the pipe and grill for them.but i was nice and even bought beer for them

yup Dana,im thinking the same thing too.except i'll use my gas grill
the charcoal grill has been retired adn giving the honor of being my pitch making,blade tempering unit now