Make sure you take a couple of large, industrial strength garbage bags. Lots of uses, and they make excellent condensation gathers, and also perfect for the pit condensation drips. Also for shelter water proofing, rain gear, gear protection, etc. , lots, and lots of uses for them. Also go to your local feed store, or agricultural supply, tractor supply, etc. and get a couple of leg wraps. They are just longer versions of Co Ban, or Co Flex. And a whole lot more economical ! About two something, vs. four or more for the smaller size you get in the drug store. You can cut them to the size roll you want. You can use them for multiple purposes. In an emergency, you can use them for splinting bones, ribs, and for cuts, and gashes. You can clean the wound, wrap a strip of plastic on the bleeding wound, and then wrap the co ban/co flex around that. Not too tight, but snug. Wallah......a pressure bandage. I would take a medium size first aid kit also. It has other uses also, since it sticks to itself, you can use it to bind clothing, like pants legs, to keep critters out, head wrap with your bandanna, if you don't have a hat, etc. Also a roll of good ol all American multiple use Duct tape, for much of the same, plus for shelter making. But the Co ban/co flex is somewhat elastic, and is better for bandages, and splints, and such, but in a pinch, and no co ban/co flex handy, Duct tape will fill the bill. Where are you going exactly? You might want to consider, Bears, Wolves, and Mountain Lions. So you might want to consider, a side arm, or long gun. And food storage, and such. Bears, have a nose that will make a Blood Hound's seem like it has a cold. Wolves are a problem, in Montana, with documented cases of attacks, and stalking of kids at a school bus stop. I will see if I can post a little Kitty, that a Friend of mine in Montana shot.