I've seen some saya's with inlaid samé between koiguchi and kurikata, the nodes sanded down slightly and then smoothed over with lacquer and my God, they looked beautiful!!
Fred suggested the Tsunami wrap alright but I've kinda got my heart set on th eleather. He said he also has some "reverse effect" suede and he'd send me a sample with the leather wrap.
Currently, the back of my bow has a makori laminate of about 8 inches which originally added about 4lbs of weight but last time I braced it and drew, I heard the dreaded "crack" sound... the glue is separating between the lam and the 'boo

As I'm shortening the tips to build up weight, it doesn't really matter as a weight-giver but it's contoured and pretty comfortable in the hand now - though I guess the samé and the tsuka ito would bulk up the dimensions a fair bit too.
I've been half tempted to do like you're planning and leave it at the samé too.
Argghhh... decisions...decisions...