Howdy all, my name is Scott Gray. Been shooting recurves and longbow bows for 25+ years. Started with recurves, now longbows but, after looking at a stack of osage staves and bow blanks at the All South Archery Pre Spring Arrow Fling I got the itch to try shooting primitive. I currently shoot a BlackCreek Banshee hybrid longbow. I also own a Howard Hill Big5 that I shot at the All South Archery shoot for the first time. Did pretty good with it too....200 out of 250 points. It took a few shots to learn the trajectory but once i got the hang of it the bow shot fine.
I probably won't be able to make my own bow for awhile though. 3-D tournements have started and it seems that my wife(who also shoots) and i are either shooting a tournement or are keeping our new and only grandchild Asher on the weekends we won't be shooting. God, I love that little boy

He is 4 months old and I am already telling him that I will be getting him his own bow and talking to him about hunting......He is a good listener. I might be able to get a bow made at the Howard Hill SE Classic in June seeing that Mike McGuire is gonna be set up there. Hopefully we can get the range set up early and I can get Mike to work with me on the bow. In the meantime I am getting cane shafts for arrows and am gleaning a wealth of information from this site. Heck, I'll probably see if Bill Skinner might show me a thing or 200 about knapping next weekend. Hey Bill....Hint,Hint.