Have to do it. You guys make such beautiful bows, I've GOT to try it myself.
First was studying sites like this.
Also ordered a set of TBB from Horsefeathers (w/ PA subscription

I've tons of sugar maple around for practicing, but my heart lies with osage.
"Won" 2 pcs. of Ebay green ossage for next winter's projects (hopefully I'll know something by then).
First piece;
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330409016895&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:ITThought it may work for an attempt of a pyramid bow? First I assume is strip the bark and seal. Then hang it in the shed to dry for the summer.
Second piece;
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330409962056&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:ITHope I'm seeing a ELB in there somewhere? I definately expect to learn how to chase rings on this one! With the length my thoughts are, if I need to cut down a bit because I really miss the poundage, I may still have a decent lenght when done.

I'm not sure if this one should be debarked or not.
I expect both to be sacrificial lambs to the bow gods.

Hind sight always being 20/20, a concern popped up (after the "win"). Generally I see osage on Ebay going for $50-100 for a stave with several bids. The first one was me and one other guy, the second I was the only bidder. Is something wrong? Folks seeing something I'm not about why these may not make a bow or something? I'm a bit confused on why I was basicly the only bidder on these. Definately was not luck, because all I have is bad luck.

Any thoughts on these?