Well I gotta crow about my new bow built for me by Easternarcher; a fellow PA member from right here in NB. It all started with some horse trading we did .Originally I was commissioning him to build one for my wife ( coyote88 ) for her Birthday, When he joked if I wanted a matching set, and the deal was struck. I would make him a knife and sheath and he would make me a bow. The bows were to be RD long bows made from bamboo backed ipe. Sadly the wife's bow exploded during the final tillering, due a flaw in the Ipe( see thread "Oh the Carnage" ).Not one to give up EasternArcher used his last stick of Osage and made another bow for her,Boo backed Osage RD.She was ecstatic, she loves that orange wood. Not trusting his remaining strips of IPE EasternArcher sent to KnightD for a BBI glued up blank. This bow is sweeeet. 64" RD BBI longbow,68# @ 29". This bow is fast, draws like a 50#bow and is whisper quiet on release.I will post pics later.I send out a thanks to both EasternArcher and knightD their craftsmanship is evident in the finished product.