I could use some advice. I encountered a little knot right at the outside edge of the job in the bow. That's really a bad place for it, but I decided to go ahead and let the wood ride up there. Of course, that made it more challenging to follow the growth ring there. I think I got side tracked, and just beyond that knot I cut too deep in the top ring. You can see it just to the right of the knot on the lower part of the limb. This ring is only about a 16th inch thick, have I toasted this ring?

This brings me to question #2. The wood is stained around that bend, probably from water damage. In my experience dark wood like that is harder and more brittle. Am I wasting my time with this piece of wood? I could just sinew back it and be done with it? Here's a shot of the staining.

I guess I could try removing another growth ring and see if the wood is better deeper. The next ring down is much thicker. I'm leaning towards doing that, and this time I'll probably just cut through that knot. I think it'll be well inside the limb.