Well I thought I would give HalfEye a run for his money!

LOL Not really I will Never be as good bowyer as him.

Anyways here is my try:
It is red elm 59" N2N, Pulls 40# at 22".
I made this bow for my wife and her draw is 22 so thats why the short draw. It is tillered out to about 24 just to be safe.
This bow is FAST!!!!! I can not believe how it shoots. I now have to make one for myself.
I drew up this carving design myself and applied it on the bow. It is background painted with thinned acrylic paint. The handle is buckskin left over from some quiver leather, the arrow rest is an elk dewclaw I fancied up for a rest. The finish is Tung Oil, about 6 coats.
Hope you all enjoy.
Pictures will be in a couple posts.
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