The only thing I'd add to all that's been said, is, if you're new to board bows (or even stave bows), go ahead and plan on cloth backing at least the first one. I used linen, because it's cheaper than silk

, and I like the look. You can back with a lot of fiber based materials, from burlap to cotton to brown paper, with varying degrees of success and ease, but linen is easy, and it works! Cloth backing can make the difference between a quick failure and a bow that holds together long enough to see and correct a tillering issue and prevent a failure. I'm a noob myself, I've made six bows since the end of last year, all linen backed, and all have survived (so far

). Some of the boards I used were probably OK, but some of them were only
probably probably OK. It's a Huge confidence booster to get that first bow up and shooting!
Good Luck, and if no one's said it yet,
post many pictures!Frode