OK...here goes my Try at It...I am shooting a new Bow that I built for a Freinds Boy....it's too short for Me...and it has a Rest...which I never use...so it's really strange for Me to Shoot with....I can't seem to keep the Arrow on the rest for crap....

Well I have done better...I can assure you of that!! But at least I aint cheatin either.......

...First time to shoot this at a Target since I built it...the Arrows seem to be a bit too much for the light Bow...but I did OK...at least I hit the Target all three times...thats more than I expected.....

...I got a 38 (9+12+17) for a Score...should not stay Top Score for long....... And I don't want to hear a thing about the Socks either...I just got Home from Work..and didn't feel like dressing up for You.........

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