Ok so I need to start shooting more and I can't think of a better way to do that than to hold some friendly competitions. You all know how this works, winner posts a new challenge we'll say every monday...since today is monday, and chooses the next winner sunday night...I'll start with the first one. (correct me if I forgot any of the old rules, its been awhile since ive done it

Since we're about a month away from spring turkey season I think this is only fitting. you get one shot from ten yards....aiming for the red dot on the turkey's neck (even though you really shoot em in the breast, this is more of a challenge) closest one to the center of the red dot wins...I'll post the link to the target printout, it should fill up an 8x10 sheet....GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!
PS Ill post mine tonight when I get off work...they don't like me shooting my bow inside by the computers

Here's the link :