well from all of the pics it looks like i was the only one to hit the red dot on the first shot so here is the next challenge. This challenge is to help improve your muscle memory with your shooting.
ok the shots will be at 5yrds because alot of yall are shooting indoors and i dont want yall to miss the target lol

in the future we can do a longer range
all rite enough sed this is how it goes pick any spot on your target and shoot at it then the fun part begins try to tune in on how that shot felt load another arrow close your eyes
NO PEEKING and make the next shot with your eyes closed tryn to hit the first arrow and who ever can make the smallest group wins
i use to do this when i was younger to improve my shooting i would start at 5yrds and work my way to about 30yrds talk about fun GL all and happy shooting