This weekend I finished two bows.
An osage splinter which was corrected by dry heat several times to come nearly straight.
And an very crumpy elm stave which was heated so often to fix the twist and curves and whoop-dee-doos. The string is about 1" left away from the center - but without all the correction it was about 5" on the left.
The elm bow is shooting very accurate with 42#@27" and ntn 67". Waterbuffalohornoverlays. Still not finished yet.
The osage is 62" ntn 50#@27" with Ebonyoverlays. Also not finished.
It's interessting, both bows look very different on the tillertree than on the fd-pics.
The elm bow seems to bend a little to much on the upper limb midlimbsection - that is a twist but it looks good on the tillertree.
The osage could bend a little more near the fades. Both bows are drawn to 25" on the fd-pics.
Any comments are welcome...