Author Topic: What a great day to hunt wood!  (Read 1895 times)

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Offline KShip85

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What a great day to hunt wood!
« on: February 20, 2010, 07:20:46 pm »
What a nice day to get out in the woods.  Snow is melting, 44 degrees and a little overcast.  Originally only had one tree in mind to cut but ended up with a few more.  My dad was back cutting firewood on the family property and an oak fell on a sugar maple and knocked it over, just my luck!  Ended up with a nice size log out of it which I cut into a small section and a larger one.  After getting that out from under the oak I went back to cut the dogwood I had my eye on.  Really excited about this one, hoping to try a warbow with it.  Have a nice section clean and looks straight for 80 inches.  I'm hoping with the higher crown from the smaller size tree that it will take less set.  I hear its much better in tension than compression so hopefully the higher crown will help out there.  While cutting that one I noticed a red bud and decided to cut it as it had seen some damage up the trunk.  Its a little snakey and looks like it at least has some heart rot so we will see how it goes.  Got another hackberry, smaller diameter too just to see how it compares to my larger staves.  Also got a small honey locust yesterday.  Seemed like the heart wood to sapwood ratio was not as high as I expected.  Anyone ever try honey locust with some sapwood? 

After looking through the parents wood I got motivated to go over to the farm and do some looking around.  I've found a black walnut I am going to cut because I think it might have some nice grain.  Might try doing some decorative stuff with it.  It is a pretty gnarly tree.  One of the top limbs I might try to get some staves from if its any good, if not then I marked another one a little farther up the creek.

Last tree here is one I spotted on the property line and I am trying to figure out what it is.  What ever it is there are hundreds of pipe straight in a little grove, most of them clean for at least 6 feet and between 3 and 6 inches in diameter.  Any ideas on this one?

Thanks for looking all.  If I keep up this wood harvesting I am going to either hit the trading post or start having give-aways!


Kip Shipley    Bloomington, IN


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Re: What a great day to hunt wood!
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 12:18:56 am »
It was a woderful day! Sunny and 68 here today. Looks like you have a full plate of projects? If i had to guess, id say that last tree is some kind of poplar.

Offline Pat B

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Re: What a great day to hunt wood!
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 12:28:34 am »
The last tree looks like a poplar. Tulip poplar, yellow poplar.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline KShip85

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Re: What a great day to hunt wood!
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2010, 01:25:40 am »
Thanks guys, not used to seeing those tulip poplars young with smooth bark.  Could pick the big ones out just fine but not these.  Guess I'll just let those grow into some nice shade trees.  I've got enough wood cut and marked to be cut to keep me busy for awhile anyway.

Kip Shipley    Bloomington, IN


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Re: What a great day to hunt wood!
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2010, 01:36:34 am »
Good stuff try not and keep too many explosive material next to each


Offline Josh

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Re: What a great day to hunt wood!
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2010, 01:56:20 am »
awesome Kship, great minds think alike eh?   :)
“The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you never know if they are genuine.” —Abraham Lincoln

Offline KShip85

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Re: What a great day to hunt wood!
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2010, 03:29:08 am »
Good stuff try not and keep too many explosive material next to each


HAHAHA yeah, that's my Dad's doing, his shop is not always the safest of places.  In his defense one of those buckets is glue and the propane tank I believe is empty,

Kip Shipley    Bloomington, IN

Offline Del the cat

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Re: What a great day to hunt wood!
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2010, 04:55:53 am »
Yup, I just had a day in the woods too...went back down South to visit my parents...frosty morning, bright sun, me and my big Sis.
She got some fire wood I got two lovely Yew logs, one about 6" dia which should give me 4 English longbows, and a nice 4" oval sectioned one with real dark heart wood which will make two. It took the two of us to carry the big one. Nice pub lunch, I even got to see the sea  :) .
Dunno if my little band saw will handle the big un, I don't want to risk splitting it and not getting 4 staves.
Spring is on the way guys...  ;D.
Of ourse there was sleet and snow when I drove back last night.
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