OK, this bow started life as a BBI blank from D. Knight back in November. I didn't trust the wood I had available so put in a call to Dave for what I needed.
This MEDIUM R/D was way more than I had tried in the past and I was abit intimidated by it, but Dave helped me out and here's the result.
63in. NTN - 68lbs at 29" draw length.

Came in abit high for weight too but he likes it!. (I don't have a good bow scale YET). Boo backed Ipe with bone tip overlays. This is the second set I've tried and I really like the look. I find that bone smells quite bad when you cut it, but man does it take a nice polish! These were very white when finished and I wanted to tone it down abit. So I painted on a couple coats of Tru-Oil and that gave them a more amber/ivory look. Overall the bow has 2 coats of shellac under 6 coats of Tru-Oil. Again I buffed the backing down with steel wool to cut the shine abit.
The grip was actually copied from a Bear Montana that agd83 had and he wanted the grip replicated. I came VERY close in scale and feel. The laminations are I believe: IPE-Osage and Brazilian Cherry.
Teh stain is Fiebings leather dye which covered the entire backing, but I used 0000 steel wool between the nodes to give some contrast, again as per customer's request. Well He's happy and so am I. And Thank You to Dave Knight for building a great bowblank.
Enjoy and please feel free to critique it, as that's how I learn!
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