Well Recurve Shooter, it sounds like you have that bow fishing down pat! Garlic crabs are absolutely the best way to eat crabs hands down! We have a place in Melbourne, Fla. that used to be in Grant, Fla. till it burned. But they moved, anyway, they make garlic crabs, and you just can't eat one! You get a sever case of gluttony! My Girlfirend now makes them just like they do at the restaurant (Ozzie's), it is really easy. You catch a bunch of blue claw crabs, and you get a big pot of water going to a roiling boil, and you dump in the crabs. Once they are lightly cooked to a red color, you remove them. You and let them cool enough to handle them, and then you pop the top carapace off, and clean out all that "Crap",

and rinse them, and set them on a big cookie sheet, and then melt some butter, (real butter, not that plastic crap) and mix in some granulated garlic, lots of garlic!! And old bay seasoning. You can mix it to your own taste. My Girlfriend uses three types of granulated garlic. you brush it all over the crabs, cover the entire crab with the mixture, and pack some in the space of the crab where the innards were, and you can also put in some minced garlic, either jar, or fresh, in that space, as well, and you put them in an oven at 375-400 degrees, on bake for 15 minutes, and every five minutes or so use a spray bottle, and lightly spray them to keep them moist, or just look in on them every now and then to see if the claws, are getting dark, or if they seem to be drying out, and if so just mist them a little. But you proabably won't have to mist them much, being as how there is a lot of crab juice, and butter. Take them out and whack the claws, and you have a feast fit for a king.

Once you have done a few, you will get the hang of it, and it is the only way you will want to eat them. You will see what I mean about gluttony, I have eaten till I thought I was going to burst, but I just had to try just one more.....

I don't bother serving anything with them, since I am intent on eating crabs! But you could serve corn on the cob, hush puppies, Cole slaw, and what ever you want. Your favorite beverage, and you aren't going anywhere for awhile. You will be sitting right there enjoying!

But try to get fresh crabs, they will be much better.

If you have crabs in that creek, just make yourself some crab traps, and catch a bunch.

Or you can just use a fishing pole, and a piece of fish, or head, and put it out, and when you see the line going out, or moving, slowly reel it in, and if you have a dip net, just slide it under the crab, and lift it up and put the crab in the bucket. Some people like to use chicken necks, but I have had better luck with fish parts. Put it on a hook, you never know, you might catch a fish too.

There are Jimmies, and Jennys. The Jimmies, the males and will have a tail flap, with a piece that looks like the washington monument on it. They are usually the bigger crabs. Try for them if you can, as there is more eating, but the jennies eat just fine also!