I have a hickory board stave that was slated to be a recurve...after a couple failed attempts at bending in the recurves (hence the "problems bending wood" thread), I now have a 55" piece of hickory. Being that it's just a little to short for my liking at the moment, but not wanting to completely throw up my hands and walk away,and looking for a challenge, I did some research.
I found a thread on PaleoPlanet where a guy had made a static by splicing the recurves in to the bending limbs of the bow. I've been in contact with him to prod him about his methods (very helpful tips i might add), but the bending portion of the limbs were massaranduba, and the "siyahs", if you will, were ash (spliced into the main lam) overlayed with lams of cherry and jatoba on the belly side, bamboo backed.
Here's a general picture of what I'm talking about...he also deflexed the riser
Splice pieces (not showing the cherry and jatoba overlays)

and full glued up profile

If I use hickory for the main "lam" and then use pecan and cherry for the overlays, would red oak be a sufficient "core wood" for the siyahs? I'm just trying to use what I have on hand, but am open to suggestions. i.e. cherry better for the core wood, overlays of pecan and hickory? osage?
Just would like to hear some opinions before I start putting this thing together. It's going to be a challenge for sure, and may well end up in failure, but it'll be a fun road to travel nonetheless.
Here's the whole thread if anyone is interested.