Here's a little side project I've been playing with featuring offcuts that should have been discarded. It's chokecherry that I started to split with a jigsaw, then decided to finish by splitting. Well the 30" that was split had 90* of twist... So rather than waste the whole tree I decided I'd make a kid's bow. I tapered the ends of my 2 pieces and lapped them together with a third stiffening piece and lots of TB3, then soaked a rawhide bone, cut it into strips, and wrapped the works. Then, bonehead that I am, I decided to see how fast I (who has never carried off a stave bow) could tiller this thing into about 20# with my new MasterCraft spokeshave from Canadian Tire. Haha. Next time I look at the thing, I've got 2 spots near either tip that are VERY thin. Ok, Dog Treats to the Rescue! One wrap did the trick on one limb, but the other took three, and could still use another. Ok, so with that stellar introduction, here's the specs:
Chokecherry billets, 50" N2N, 17#@24". Hemp string, Cambium backed, rawhide handle wrap. Shoots off the hand. Has already "made tissue". (I shoot Kleenex boxes when the Mrs. ain't home). I store Crude-a-licious in a place of honor up high where the dog can't eat her delicious parts. The obligatory photos: