Thanxx guys.
I've heard of only one other prim.archer in AZ that has made a bow from salt cedar. He's an all-around outdoorsman, exceptional flint-knapper and bowyer.
Basically I'm new to the selfbow community, but not to the hunting community. I've hunted since I was 9yrs old. I started from firearms/shotgun to a Trad. bow, then to compound and finally to building my own. I get more satisfaction of just closing the distance to my quarry than the killing of a "trophy" nowadays. Antler size means less to me now then when I was just starting out.
Mesquite and Salt-cedar are very common to my area. I was just curious and wanted more info before the build.
I'll post pics/vid of my bow soon. Since the build, I have sparked a lil fire inside me and now I want to build more

. Addicted if you will.