YA I needed goggles, it worked for getting the brains out very well, didn't really try to clean up much else. I figured it was to strong for that. I am working on boiling it out and doing a euro mount this weekend, had to break out the big pot and big cooker for it yesterday and boiled for about 2 hours, looking good so far. Going to clean on it a bit this morning and then boil a little more. Also got the TwinOaks nap in going on through the weekend so lots of nappers coming in. I am just a watcher but will try and take care of their needs in between bush hogging and working on a few stands, season opens next Saturday so need to get some stands up/check for acorns and persimmons dropping and some others stands checked for safety that have been up since last season. Should be a fun weekend. Tomorrow in my birthday the 17th, big 70 WOW, and Miss Joanie ask what I wanted to do, I said the same thing I do most weekends hang out at the cabin and in the woods, she said it's your day, do what you like.

Love that gal !!!!

Hope yall have a good one also. Life is Good.
