I have grown a bunch of osage seedlings Mark. All you need to do with your apples is put them in a bucket, no water, and put the bucket in a shady spot on the north side of a building over the winter. They will rot down by spring time. I put on rubber gloves and either separate the seed out or plant the mush in a shallow trench, you will be surprised how many seeds sprout.
I give the sprouts a few weeks to develop then transplant them to gallon pots. After about a year in the pots you can tell which are going to be straight and which are going be doglegged. I keep the straight ones and toss the crooked ones. You do have to keep an eye out for a tap root growing out the bottom of the pot, osage puts one out to China, it will break off when you lift the pot harming the seedling if you let it travel into the ground below the pot.