It was a great time for sure,nothing like I had every done.Thanks to Eddie and Miss Cathy for the god old sourthen Hospitality and putting up with me for several days.Nice place to sleep[when we slept] and feed me like a king,also to Chris/Eddie and Shane for the guiding of the hunt,it was a little different for them also because of the equipment I chose to use but they came through like pros.

If you like sleep this ant the hunt for you,I think Eddie and I got about 3 or 4 hours in 3 days,we hunted all night and worked on refining equipment all day and along with some tours of Eddie's hunting land and other sights to see and friends of his to meet it didn't leave a lot of time to sleep. I had a mess up Thursday night,nice gator and hit him in the jaw[you don't want to do that] Also had a few issues on the line hooked to the shaft.After a few adjustments I was ready for Friday.

Got the first a 6 foot about mid night,the first arrow with the marker Bowie made a good lick,he went a short distance and then the bowie got still,we waited a good while and eased up to it, we took a grab hood and brought him up,he was weak but not dead,I used a stoned tip spear that Eddied made for me to finish him off with a hit to the back of the head. The second I got about 2:30 am. Got him marked and then as he would come up I went to work on him with the Cain arrows tipped with 160 ace heads,it took 3 to get him weak enough to bring up,Eddie popped him in the back of the head with a stone headed ax. I was very pleased with both,their are bigger one out there but as I am with deer,[not a trophie hunter]

It was a adventure and will be logged in my memory bank for a long while. Here are some pictures of the fun.

The trip dow /things I have never seen and some of Eddie's hunting ground.
