Had a good weekend, got my trade bow tillered and shot some,needs a little tweaking but really close,still have a few pounds to give so I am happy.Also got my Hickory shooting and a grip on it.Finished up my Damascus knife,finely happy with the handle.

Had some young folks come down to start some bows
also.I think GregB/Will and Jon got a little done also.King Ron and Hayden came and spent the weekend ,Jimmy and Michale along with their kids came to visit so It was a fun time for all.

Hope yall had a good one.

Here are some pictures of the fun. Some new vices gave to me last week at our open shoot,these are great for de barking a log. Jesse sent me the skins off his big fish,blue marlin I thing,it should be good for backing,it is more like rawhide.Thanks Jesse.

My trade bow getting tip overlays,some white tail from the farm.
