I hear ya BJ, fall and early winter are busy time for me also. Hang in there JW, getting and trying to keep yourself in shape is tough but well worth it in the long haul, I stay pretty active and feel very Blessed to still be able to do most anything I want, just do it at a little slower pace now. Great weekend, got in some hunting, seen lots of deer and Turkey, had my chance at a really nice 10 point at 12 yards

the thing I didn't see was a small beach limb between me and him and of course I hit it and shot right over his back, good news is he never knew what happened and just wandered off after the shot, who knows maybe next time, Miss Joanie said "just wasn't his day to go " she says that a lot to me.

Got my 2 deer all worked up and another hide in the rack. Also as I was coming out of the woods I winded something dead, I just followed my nose and low and behold I found Eddie's buck he shot while here a few weeks back, it was about 300 yards from where we stopped looking. Nice 9 point, I got the rack to give him next time I see him.

Eddie's rack and Shawn working on a hide.
