My hide in the rack, another one in a roll and ready to tan when I get the time. Mark is working on an ax out of 1095 steel, I soften it for him a few weeks back and he brought it back for me to temper and heat tread, it went well and now he is ready to finish with handles, going to be really nice I think.

Great weekend for sure, no deer for me but I told miss Joanie our farm is full of critters of all kinds, Over the 3 days in the woods I saw coons/opossums /lots of Turkeys , toms and hens/squirrels both grey and Fox/Hawks/Bob cat and of course chip monks along with 10 deer, the only thing I didn't see that I know we have was yots and kind of glad about that.

Hope yall had a good one also. Life is Good.
