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Life is good

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Had a good trip, got back yesterday evening, great time as always. Lots of fun /fellowship/eating and shooting. I will have some pictures in a day or 2 when I get things caught up around here. Now to get everything cleaned up and start getting ready for out west, busy month for sure. ;) :)

Glad you had a safe trip Pappy.

I just couldn’t get away . Was a really busy week.

The weather changed again. Nice and cool again now.


Ya missed to BJ and also Bob, the weather was warm for sure but still better than Tennessee,  ;) had a great time. Pictures soon of all my old friends, seems we are all getting older so every time we get to meet up is a real Blessing to me.  :)

It was a very good time up north, here are a few pictures of the fellowship, not many shooting, stayed to busy shooting the bull and eating.  ;) :)Just before I left for Eml Hall had the pleasure of a few day visit from Arvin and his wife,always enjoy their company. Then off to Elm Hall, they had my fire going for me when I arrived.  :) :) Rocky and the boys are to good to me that's for sure. :)

They always load me up with fresh veggies to eat during the week and I take advantage of that. I only took 3 bows but shot all of them many times over the week.  :) Shot the 2 I plan for out west the most.  :) They had a great range with many large targets.  :)


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