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Life is good

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The only time she ant under my feet is when she is wrestling with Sister.  :) Then the guys showed up fro UXO, Great bunch of guys doing a really good thing for our vets and under privileged kids. Glad we could help out.  :)

A little slow for what we are use to but over all a very successful event, we made them $2,000.00 and they we more than pleased to say the least, plan on doing it again for them next year. ;) :) also finely got Beau's bear head officially scored for Pope and Young 18 2/16 , takes 18 inches to make the book, that's just what I had it scored at so guess I ant to bad a scorer.  ;) Hope yall had a good one also. Life is Good.  :)

Skins came out good I think - nice lookin' Bow ! Pups growing like a weed - thanks as always -  (=) Bob.

Thanks Bob, yes the skins turned out OK, I put a new string on it yesterday and shot about 50 arrows, seems to be doing fine, now just need to get it all sealed and should be ready to go. :)

Headed to the cabin this morning for the weekend, not sure what I will get into, do plan on tuning some arrows for my new bow and maybe do some bush hogging around the place, going to be hot and of course chance of thunder storm but that is almost always the case this time of year in Tennessee  ??? ;) :) stay cool and safe, hope yall have a good one.  ;) Life is Good. :)


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