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Life is good

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Morning, Pappy!  That puppy is my favorite kind:  One that belongs to somebody else.  I can pet them and play with them, then give them back.  (I feel much the same about toddlers and babies)

Why the black marker on the back of the bow?  Great idea staining the skins with walnut--they came out great.  Do you have to back ERC with sinew?  If so, how does it stand up to the humidity out there?

(Lots of questions!)

Hope your foot is on the mend soon.

Ya WB puppies can be a hand full that's for sure, it's always good when they grow out of some of their nonsense.  :) I black the back to make the pattern stand out more, over time on Osage the yellow/orange will will show through and the pattern will fad, the black helps stop that. No I don't have a ERC bow, made a few years ago and they didn't go so well, have made a few with sap wood only and they worked out fine but using heart wood I had lots of bad luck so now us it for walking stick and other projects, beautiful wood but lots of other wood that is more predictable to use for bows. IMO  ;):)


--- Quote from: Pappy on June 18, 2024, 09:35:27 am ---Ya WB puppies can be a hand full that's for sure, it's always good when they grow out of some of their nonsense.  :) I black the back to make the pattern stand out more, over time on Osage the yellow/orange will will show through and the pattern will fad, the black helps stop that. No I don't have a ERC bow, made a few years ago and they didn't go so well, have made a few with sap wood only and they worked out fine but using heart wood I had lots of bad luck so now us it for walking stick and other projects, beautiful wood but lots of other wood that is more predictable to use for bows. IMO  ;):)

--- End quote ---

Ah, OK.  Thanks for the info.  I've got a few nice pieces of juniper seasoning in the garage.  Drew some good tags this year so hoping to do the deed with native wood bow.  Trickier than hickory, for sure, though.

Ya WB Beau and I drew 2 elk tags for and area in NE Co. right on the WY. border, won't get it done with local wood but hope to get it done with this new Osage I am building, I think it is Rawah  wilderness area, have to check on the name, anyway they say the closest town is Laramie WY.

Hope the foot heals up strong and doesn’t bother you on your Elk hunt Pappy.

When does a puppy not be a puppy anymore?

Mine is over two years old and still a knucklehead. At least she doesn’t eat the dry wall anymore. She sure does love to play like a puppy though.

WB my favorite age for kids is when they first start walking. I just love watching them realize that they can and really start to explore their new freedom



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