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Life is good

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Pat B:
Nice new pup, Pappy. Looking forward to meeting her in person.  :OK

Thanks Bob/BJ , yes she like to chew and them little needle teeth will do some damage, be glad when she grows out of that, her claws are sharp also but getting better since she is out and about. Pat I think you will like her, they said she was hound and Golden retriever but I think they are mistaken, she looks just like Hanna did and web feet so I know their was a lab in the mix some where.  ??? :) :) don't really matter to me she is sweet and is fitting in well that's what counts for me.

Had doctors stuff most of the week with me and Miss Joanie so not much time at the farm, but heading down this morning for the weekend, got a few projects going in the shop, another knife and finishing up my last bow, got some bush hogging to do also , so should be a fun weekend. Most of the guys are in Cloverdale at the shoot so probably a peaceful weekend for me and the girls. Hope yall have a good one also. ;) :) Life is Good. :)

Great relaxing weekend, had time in the shop and shot the range a couple of times, also done about a 3 mile hike with 35 lb pack, time to start getting ready for the out west trip in the fall. Got my knife scales[Camel bone] glued up/sanded down and ready to seal, and handle hemp wrapped on my new Osage bow along with striker plate and shelf pad.  :) Put about 100 arrows through it over the weekend and still holding good back set and not much set , maybe an inch over all, it was a really good old piece of wood, over 30 years old. I know we have had a lot of conversations over the years about dry wood or seasoned, in my mind seasoned is much much better. JMO.  ;) :) :)

Got knife sheath finished with a tie down. Annie is in dog heaven she thinks, lots of bones laying around for her to find and chew on.   :)


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