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Life is good

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Your knives look great! Thanks as always for posting your happenings at your place. It has inspired me many times to get out and do something.
Take care,

Pat B:
A nice, productive weekend, Pappy. I love the look of these new knives with the bone handles and metal bolsters.
 As far as getting ready for your fall hunting trip I say you can't start too early. The first time I went to Colorado I had 8 months to get ready and by the time I left in late August Marcia was well ready to see me leave plus I was in good shape to go hunt at 9000'.

I think that You have this Knife thing down  (lol) - lookin' good. Thanks Pappy  (=) - Bob.

Thanks guys, much appreciated, I do enjoy working on them. Pat you are right, can't start to early, I stay in decent shape just for all the stuff I do around the shop and farm but to back pack with 50 or so lbs on you and hunt in the mountains it's different, we base camp at about 8000 and hunt between 9 and 11 so muscles aren't the problem usually it's the lack of air, ??? being in shape does help though, I have just learned to slow down, if I start to feel a little winded I just stop till I catch up. ;) :) Beau's father in law as had some problems that required surgery so we have had the grand babies the last 3 days, been interesting and fun around here. ;) :) :)

Boy, those knives look good Pappy! I really like the first one with the bone handle. Looks like I have an appointment with an Orthopedic Doctor coming up. The knee just isn't getting any better. My Doc thinks I've been walking around on torn tendons. Enjoy the Grandbabies.


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