Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

Life is good

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Headed to the cabin for a few days, most of our bunch has gone to Cloverdale so will probably be a quite peaceful weekend, hope yall have a good one .Life is Good. ;)

Very peaceful weekend, only a few showed up to work on bows and I spent most of it putting together some knives/back packing and working on gear for my trip, a little early but I am slow and need time to get myself and my stuff ready so I always start early. Got 4 knives put together, not sure what I will do with all these but fun putting them together.  ;)

Had Greg and Kenny come by to work on bows, good to see Greg back at it and this is Kenny's first and seems pretty excited about it, who knows he may stay with it.  :)

Bob and Chuck also came by, Bob debarking and sealing some Osage he just cut and Chuck working on an English Long bow style bow, bow is coming along nicely. :)

Knives ready to sand and seal. :) Hope yall had a good one also. Life is Good.


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