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Life is good

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Heading to the cabin this morning for a few days, things are pretty much back to normal so plan on getting some shop work done, gold is to get my latest bow tillered, 3 knife blades heat treated and tempered and handles on and also scrape my last hide in the rack and maybe start some brain tanning, got a couple of new guys I am helping with bows right now so we will see how my stuff comes along :-\ either way looking forward to spending some time in the shop and around the fire with no pressure to get anything done.  ;) Hope yall have a good one also. Life is Good.  ;)

What a great weekend, it was beautiful weather to boot, didn't think I would get the projects I had going done but managed to also help with a couple of new bow builders and shoot the practice range also, busy but fun, the weekend just flew by. GregB showed up and also Bucky to work on bows, I lent a hand where needed while working on my 3 knives. Of course Greg needs no help but Bucky you got to keep a close eye on him. Between Greg and I we keep him on the right track.  ;) :) Bucky was working on a really wonky stave with dips and dives and was a challenge to tiller.

I got my r/d flex bow tillered to 53@26, prefect for my trip out west. ;) got my blades heat treated and helped in the shop while they were in the oven getting tempered.  :) Bob showed up to work on his second bow, even got his wife to lend him a hand taking the bark and sap wood off. ;)

Got my 3 knife handles fitted and glued up, ready to sand and finish and make some stands. GregB ask if i would put his bow on the r/d form he like the way mine turned out so well, of course I can't say no to him. ;) :)

Sister is doing well and getting around great with 3 toes. ;) :) The middle of the day was prefect weather to do some hide work so I scrapped and sanded my last hide for the year, good size hide, a nice little buck I killed in late November. Glad to be done scrapping for this year, now for some tanning. Long day for sure but a back strap and tatter supper capped it of nicely. :)


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