My girls are full and resting. The kids going out for their last evening hunt, they had a shot or 2 but no one killed the first 3 hunts but this evening was different, we moved their blinds and it paid off. the girls both got does, 81 and 82 lbs and the boy got a nice 10 point /174 lbs and was his first deer, guess the smile still tells it all.

It was a great time and some very well mannered and behaved kids. Got to love it. We were in for a long night, we got all 3 skinned/boned and in the cooler before we call it a day, now I need some rest. Headed back down in a few hours for another week or so, going to try and do a little hunting before my buddies get there Thursday and before the muzzle loader come out this Saturday, this is our last week for bow only so things will change when the big guns roll out. Hope yall had a good one also. Life is Good.
