If I was not staying in an air conditioned cabin Friday night and walking out in the cool of Sat. morning and returning to the air when I want, I would not be doing it either, Pat. I am going from there to our lease down the road to put up a stand and make sure the roads are clear. I am not looking forward to the drive home after that. It is just a couple hours but I will be tired but a good kinda tired. There will be an ice cold Sierra Torpedo waiting at the house. That's my plan to make it bearable. Now Sept 1st is the 1st day of rifle at the lease but no does until Sept. 15 and that is opener here in the upstate for buck and doe with the bow. It will still be blazing hot and not weather to be camping without air condition. I always have to remember what a transplanted friend from Maine once told me "if you don't hunt in the heat in SC you won't hunt."